Gurkha Cigars 15 Years Cellar Reserve
Like most of you, I enjoy a relaxing cigar whether it’s during the day, evening or night. Enjoying a cigar is one of those lasting, yet evanescing gentlemanly luxury delights. The intricate details of choosing a cigar, cutting it, lighting it, and puffing on it; is an acquired taste. And like all acquired tastes, Gurkha cigars has provided me with their Cellar Reserve 15 Year 7 x 54 Prisoner Churchill cigars.
Every man should know the art of cigar smoking.
Smoking cigars is not for everyone.
That’s obvious. Nevertheless, we think every man should be familiar with the process.
Columbus was not the first to discover cigars.
It would be more accurate to say he introduced cigars into mainstream culture.
Gurkha Cigars CEO Kaizad Hansotia set his sights on vintage tobaccos. And, Cellar Reserve is an inspiration of aged wine. Which, like some, that is just what it is. The cigars all come with bun/pigtail caps, with elaborate banding and packaging. I always say this about cigars, they are like wine and women. Everyone will find one that they like, and everyone’s taste is different.