Displate Wall Art Review

Displate Wall Art Review

You and I are both alike. No matter where we live, we want to have pictures on our walls. We both also like to have an easy, hassle-free, way of putting our pictures on those walls. Well, I’ve found the perfect, and oh-so-easy, solution. Displate!

Let’s start with the top things we want when choosing wall art. Durable metal posters (check), made by talented artists (check), hundreds of options to choose from (check), installs in about 20 seconds (check). Now, where do we get them? Displate.com of course.

unboxing displate wall art

The metal posters came individually wrapped and cushioned in cardboard, inside of a heavy duty box, which, you can keep for when you’re moving to another place. Just repack the metal posters inside the box, and voila, you’re done packing. By the way, with each Displate that you buy, they will plant 10 trees in cooperation with Trees for the Future. So, you buy a sturdy keepsake, and help the World be a better place for all.

deciding where to place the displate wall art
You’re handy, ain’t you..

Installing is just a matter of selecting where you’ll place the Displate posters.

You can do like me and have a handy measuring tape. Select where the first Displate will go, peel the tape from the magnet and affix to the wall. I always wait about 1 minute for the magnet to be securely fixed, you can try less. I’m just highly OCD about some things. Then, you place the Displate over the magnet and you’re done.  Now, give yourself a high-five for being handy!
placing the wall magents for displate wall art
Next, you can guesstimate where the next Displate will go, or follow my lead and use a measuring tape to make sure that all of them will have the same exact distance. Believe me, when looking from a few feet away, one inch or a few inches really don’t make that much of a difference. It’s your style, have a go at it.
installing the displate wall art on the wall magnets
It took me less than 10 minutes of measuring twice, sticking the magnets to the wall, and installing all 5 of the Displate metal posters to my living room wall. No holes, no mess, no fuzz, no nothing! And 50 new trees will be planted because I bought these beautiful, hand made, pieces of art for my wall. Humming James Brown’s “I feel good, I knew that I would, now So good, so good, I got you.”
sitting back and relaxing after installing displate wall art
So, do you like the Displates that I chose for my living room? Don’t they go real well with my white leather captain chairs? Now, I owe myself some me time, and off I go to keep on reading my book.
finished wall art with displate review

With Displates you can buy a small, medium or large, metal poster, or multiplates to cover a large wall. Act now and save 20% off of your next order with my discount code DOUGLAS20.

Want to get the same exact Displates that I ordered? Here are the direct links, from left to right:

  1. Smile
  2. Miami
  3. The Party Never Ends
  4. Los Angeles
  5. Surrealism


  1. Your Displate Wall Art Review was spot on! It gave me all the essential information I needed to consider these art pieces for my own decor. Thanks for the concise and informative insight! 🖼️👏

  2. That’s a good looking wall. I had a really terrible experience with Displate recently and am so disappointed that I’ve scoured the internet looking for similar issues (how I happened across your post). Fortunately (or unfortunately, I guess), I am not alone. Their support is rigid and scripted and doesn’t offer to help – even when it’s their screw up, as is the case in my situation. I’d love to recommend them to people because I genuinely think they have a decent product (other than lots of complaints about art falling off the wall), but they were dishonest and that’s a deal breaker with me. Anyway, you have a great looking site that I’d like to return to soon!

    • Thank you and sorry to hear that you had a terrible experience with your Displate. I’ve heard that Displate can send you new stickers if the ones that you put on have lost their function. And, yes, it sucks if one of these metal posters fall to the floor. Another option is to buy the heavy-duty 3M stickers that hold up to 14 lbs. Make sure that the 3M sticker that you apply to the wall, stays there for 24 hours, before attaching the other sticker attached to the Displate.

  3. Have you experienced the displates falling off?

    • I have 5 displates and only one has fallen off. I thought this was due to my error. I just moved into a new home, and have not put up the displates up. I need to get new magnets since the ones I took off no longer have any adhesive.

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